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Nitrous oxide is a sedative many dentists use at their office, including  Dr. Tovar. When it’s used, many patients feel a little nervous, especially if they don’t know much about it. If you’re one of these people and you have questions about nitrous oxide, our dental team will gladly provide answers to commonly asked questions to teach you more and help you find the answers you seek.

What is nitrous oxide?

Nitrous oxide is a sedative that is commonly called laughing gas or nitrous. It is a chemical compound with nitrogen and oxide (N2O). It will not harm you. It is a colorless non-flammable gas that has a slight flavor, and it is typically released through a nose mask. The mask will be placed over your nose during treatment and will continually release the nitrous. It will enter your system as you inhale.

How will nitrous oxide make me feel?

Nitrous oxide will make you feel carefree and relaxed. As you inhale, you will typically feel tingly and light headed. Sometimes you’ll feel so comfortable that you’ll have the desire to fall asleep during your appointment. However, the nitrous oxide itself will not send you into a slumber.

How long will the effects last?

The effects will last as long as the mask is on the nose. Once your dentist turns off the machine and removes the mask, you will feel completely back to normal. If necessary, you can drive yourself home.

For answers to additional questions, please reach out to Pleasant Valley Dentistry by dialing 623-561-1470. When you contact us, we will be happy to help you in any way we can. We look forward to hearing from you!